Thank You

To All,

I would like to thank you for taking time out your busy schedules to attend the type 6 factory training event that was held on 25 Jan 17 at the Glen Ped. Great turn out and we could not have picked a better day weather wise.

A special thank you to Brand FX, Perry Shatley and Team, you exude FS green and it is great to have such an experienced FS Firefighter and BFX representative available.  I am very confident that if you asked any of the folks who were in attendance, experienced or not, the two way learning valve was pushed on and the information was flowing at about 450psi.

Most of all, the apparatus, WOW, I refer to it as a work of art that will BEST support our firefighting needs thru 2027. The technology, capabilities and design is truly amazing. Thank you!!


Mr Rene VanDenHeuvel
Fleet and Equipment Manager
Forest Service

George Washington and Jefferson National Forests